Monday 16 March 2009

Those Numbered Sheep Again

Today the ewes and their lambs had been given access to a part of the field next to the one where Bobby and I usually take an afternoon stroll. As we approached I was able to get some better views. It appears that all of them are numbered, all on one side only so sometimes it appears as though some do not have a number.

Ewes with Lambs

The ewes were eyeing us nervously and as we got closer some of them decided to go through the gate to the further field. First the most nervous and eventually all moved away from us.

Ewes with Lambs

Even while they were moving the lambs did their best to carry on with their mid afternoon meal. Just one last sheep stood in the gateway keeping a careful watch on us as we went on our way.

Ewes with Lambs

This straggler was the last to make it to the gate. She was a bit slow in getting started and two hungry lambs were slowing her down.

Ewes with Lambs


  1. I have a soft spot for sheep. Spent many years working with sheep, and although cattle were my preferred animal, there's something about sheep at this time of the year and lambs, which stirs the heart.

  2. Hi Andrew. Thanks for visiting. Sheep seem such vulnerable creatures this time of year. Bobby and I always approach cautiously so as not to spook them, which is so easily done.

  3. Lovely peaceful photos John.

    Hey! I know why they are numbered, it's so you can count them when you have insomnia!!!!

  4. I should have though of that at 4 o'clock this morning!!


Thank you for visiting. Hope you enjoyed the pictures. Any comment, or correction to any information or identification I get wrong, is most welcome. John

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