Sunday 19 August 2018

Mowing Hazards

As usual I have to keep my eyes skinned when mowing the lawn.
In spite of the lack of rain here the grass hasn't stopped growing.
I was just setting up the mower when I spotted a movement nearby.

Baby Froglet

A common froglet, not much more than an inch in length

Baby Froglet

By the size it could well be one of this year's batch.


  1. A lucky little frog. I am surprised how few creatures get caught in the combine and balers.

  2. There is a Philip Larkin poem about mowing over a hedgehog and killing it - very sad poem. Glad you avoided doing this to that froglet.

  3. We have to do the same and I take my time so that the vibrations /noise of the mower gives them plenty of warning. Adult frogs make a high pitched scream when in danger and its really loud.


Thank you for visiting. Hope you enjoyed the pictures. Any comment, or correction to any information or identification I get wrong, is most welcome. John

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