Last Sunday I searched on the web for local nature reserves where it was possible to take Bobby. Most of them do not allow dogs and I can understand why. I found one which is new and looked interesting so we set out to
South Thoresby Warren.
It is situated on the outskirts of South Thoresby, a small village in Lincolnshire. The reserve is very new. In the past this piece of land has been a sand pit and later on a landfill site. Now it is becoming a local nature reserve and was officially opened December 2007.
On arrival the road gates were padlocked but the walk in gate was open. There was plenty of room to park on the slip road. The first impression is rather bleak as so much of the earth is dry with very little vegetation in evidence. I am sure we were the only ones there and Bobby was kept on his lead at all times. A dog waste bin is provided so there are no excuses for not clearing up.

We walked up to the impressive display board to see what routes were available round the site.

I decided to take a route through the small wooded area.

To the left I spotted a few rabbits and I could swear that one of them was jet black. It looked like a rabbit and it moved like a rabbit but it was in view for such a short while .... well, who knows - my first UFO sighting (Unidentified Furry Object). No - they are not in the photograph.
Entering the wood I spotted an owl box which looks as though it has been there for some time and I hope that it is in use as there has been so much work going on here thinning out the trees that there may have been too much disturbance.

Some trees have been cut down and others have painted dots on them and I assume these are marked for further thinning.

It was nice to see that some of the old sections of tree branches had been left in piles as they will make suitable habitats for small creatures and minibeasts.

There has been a lot of planting and it looks like hundreds of trees and bushes have been added so in years to come the wooded habitat will cover much more of the nature reserve.

Most of the green at the moment is at foot level as much of the ground is covered with grass, moss and brambles.

Apart from the few rabbits and the sound of some birds singing in the distance we did not see much evidence of life, but it was a short visit as I intended to go on to another site on the way home. Unfortunately I missed that one and drove straight past it. I have always said I could get lost in my own village, especially when driving!!
A lot of effort is being expended by a lot of people on the South Thoresby Warren and when Nature has had the chance to do its thing I'm sure this will be one of many small natural treasures in Lincolnshire for generations to come. I will certainly visit again and take more time now I have given it the once over and know what to expect. There are several benches so it will be possible to sit quietly and wait to see what turns up.

On the way home I took a few photographs. I wanted another panorama but the hazy distant views made for some very dull shots but I did get this one of one of the many disused, but cared for, mill buildings which can be found in this county.

It was really nice to get out in the sunshine and visit new places.