proved to be a really difficult one to identify. Ellen D. was the only person to get it correct.

Yes. I had snapped the top view of a battery.
I think I will make that the last one for this year. I've run out of inspiration for now. Maybe I will find a different way of making mystery photos in the New Year. Thank you to all who have kept following this through the year. Look forward to seeing what I can come up with in 2023.
In other news - a few days ago a Blue Tit investigated the camera nest box. Unfortunately it was a dull day and the video wasn't very good. Bird feeders are busier again after several weeks of very little bird traffic. There seem to be more corvids than usual here. Crows, Magpies and Jackdaws but no Rooks as yet, plus the usual squabbling brat pack (Starlings).