Saturday, 29 April 2023

Rook Raids Seed Feeder

Several times I found the lid on the seed feeder had been opened. It shouldn't have been gusty winds as it has a magnetic catch. I thought it may have been a squirrel though I haven't seen one in the garden for over a year. This morning I decided to check the camera recordings .....

I should have known that a corvid would have the intelligence to work out how to open the lid - as you can see with this Rook.

Wednesday, 19 April 2023

More Pocket Love

Six weks ago I showed the few flowers which had been produced on last years growth. Now this years mature growth is showing what a Dendrobium hybrid Pocket Love orchid can really look like when in flower.



Only just viewable in the first photo - on the left hand side of the plant - there are two new growths which, with good luck, should both produce flowers.

Tuesday, 4 April 2023

Oncidium croesus Orchid

I knew I obtained this miniature orchid some time ago but was surprised to find it was bought five years ago. It has taken until this year for it to finally produce some flowers. As I appear to have found the right conditions for growth it should now flower every year.



This orchid is a native species to Brazil, growing at elevations of 400 to 600 metres above sea level.

Saturday, 1 April 2023

Hedgehog in a Hurry

A quick movement on the monitor caught my intention. The animal was moving so fast I thought it may have been a rat. On checking the video recordings I could see it was my Hedgehog visitor rushing to check whether there was any bird food worth eating and then rushing off to the back of the garden.

The times shown by the clocks are set differently. The first in on GMT and the second on BST.
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