Friday, 8 May 2009

Bird Bath - Hedgehog Update

A while ago I had tried out the idea of using a large, shallow plastic tray as a bird bath. Seemed a good idea at the time but the birds thought otherwise. Maybe a black tray made it difficult for them to judge the depth of the water.

Looking round the garden I found another bird bath I had forgotten all about as, at one time, I had use the upright part as a post to support a video camera. This bath is cast concrete and is made to look like a tree stump. The bath part is quite shallow. I purchased it many years ago from Greenways, a fairly local family business who, at one time were very well known for their excellent garden ornaments but sadly have now closed down.

I installed the newly found bird bath near the bird feeders and it was an immediate success.

This one is in use on and off all day, especially by the Starlings.

Bird Bath

Go on - Splash it all Over
Splash it All Over

Oi - Do you let people photo you when you're bathing?
Starling Bathing

Another job done - the old concrete one stays.

Hedgehog Update:

First the large Hedgehog visited last night. It left after a short while but was soon back this time joined by the smaller one. As before they both ate quietly for a while and the the jousting started again. By bedtime I thought they had moved on to pastures new but Bobby knew they were around as soon as he went out the back door. He had to go and investigate what they were up to.
I had put out a mixture of peanut pieces and some bits from a tin of Chicken and Beef dog food. The dog food was being ignored, except by Bobby!

Thanks to Greenfingers and ShySongbird who both identified my little 'weed' as Lady's Smock (Cardamine pratense).


I have taken Greenfingers' advice and used some leaves to propagate so I can plant some in a more appropriate position in the garden and see if they will attract yellow tip butterflies in the future.


  1. Great pictures John, and that first Starling is a cracker.

  2. Love the second photo of the Starling bathing. I've followed the story of your hedgehogs with great interest. We get them in our garden too - but I haven't managed to get good photos or films like yours. Fascinating.

  3. The birds look very pleased to have a lovely 'new' bath, luxury indeed!

    Louis says if he had known about the hedgehog food in your garden he would have helped Bobby sniff it out!

    Thanks for the mention again John, always glad to help if possible.

  4. Hi there John, now this interesting timing!

    I've just posted on how popular my ground tray bird bath has been today. It has been very popular for a few years now. I do love my free standing stone one too and the birds will still use that too. However, I so like to see them using the ground one with plants all around them :-D

    Perhaps you could try yours in a different location and it might still work. Funnily enough I found my free standing one worked better away from the feeders. Probably the height of trees and shrubs around these areas also play a factor.

    Have a great weekend :-D

  5. Love your "reclaimed" bird bath John. I think birds prefer a shallow depth and found that with my (shallow) stone one and (deep)plastic one. The latter doesn't get used nearly as much regardless of location.

    Whatever one feels about Starlings, they never fail to entertain.

    Still intriguing about the two hedgehogs...

  6. Thanks Keith. Plenty of opportunities in this garden to photo Starlings.

    Beatingthebounds: Thanks for the nice comment. It's a good job the large hedgehog usually stays put for still photos as the Canon sends out lots of micro flashes while it focusses before it actually takes anything. I have long wanted to observe night wildlife in the garden and this is the first time I've managed it.

    Jan: Yes, at least that birdbath is being used.

    Bobby says tell Louis - thank you for the offer but I can manage by myself. :)

    Shirl: I think the most used watery place here is the fibreglass waterfall on the pond. Like your water hole it has greenery around with moss and lichen growing on it. The birds probably find it a more natural setting. Unfortunately I can't see that from indoors which is why I also have the bird bath near the feeders. I can see that from the kitchen window.

    Tricia: Indeed Starlings are always up to something. I think the modern phrase would be 'in your face' as they are not exactly the shy retiring types.

    Just the large hedgehog seen last night. Curiouser and curiouser.


Thank you for visiting. Hope you enjoyed the pictures. Any comment, or correction to any information or identification I get wrong, is most welcome. John

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