The Greenfinches have taken to visiting the ground feeder which is actually stood on a small metal table. One yesterday was determined to keep all the food for itself. First it faced off another Greenfinch.
Then it had a go at a House Sparrow which dared to land.
The One That Got Away
As I was watching through the kitchen window first thing I saw a Sparrowhawk chasing a small bird across the sky. I have not seen them trying to catch their prey in level flight before today. The small bird was weaving all over the place and could change direction faster than the Sparrowhawk. Though the hunter got close it could not get close enough and gave up in the end. It was obviously built for high speed dive bombing its target and not built for stamina in level flight. One very lucky small bird. They were too far away and too quick to photograph.
Quite the little bully that Greenfinch lol
ReplyDelete"Seed Rage." Thats a great name for it John.{:)
ReplyDeleteSome birds do seem to be more aggressive, Keith, just like people really.
ReplyDeleteThanks Roy. It was the best that came to mind at the time.