Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Wire Worm to the Rescue

Sometimes modern artefacts just get in the way of a decent picture. Directly opposite me is a telephone pole and wires which can be very annoying when I am photographing cloud formations.

The exposure reading was taken from the brightest part of the sky so the clouds didn't become washed out.


The photo was then imported into PaintShop Pro Photo X2 and the ReDynaMix plugin used to bring out some detail in the shadows. This was followed by the use of a plugin called Wire Worm which can be very effective at sliding and blending nearby material over the unwanted parts.


If you are interested in Wire Worm then have a look HERE at  MV's PLUGINS. It should work with any graphics program which recognises Photoshop type plugins.There are some excellent examples of its use and a short video demonstration of its facilities. The best part is - it's free.


  1. You did a great job with that photo John, really very impressive work!

  2. It certainly made a good job of getting rid of that pole and wires John.

  3. I can vouch for it as well it does a good job if you select small areas. Elements 9 now has content aware on the spot healing brush and preview in the clone stamp so I no longer use it. The downside is that like Elements it is not perspective aware, unlike full Photoshop. So cleaning an image of loads of street furniture is a pain.
    Hark at me, it's a grand image John.

  4. Thank you Jan. I hate it when a lump of wood takes the eyes away from the view ;)

  5. It all depends on the surroundings Keith. Clouds are easy, other things darn near impossible without a lot of work.

  6. Hello Adrian. PSP has a clone brush which I used to use, and still do for appropriate small areas from time to time. I haven't investigated if there's anything more sophisticated in PSP.

  7. Nice sky shots John, but I think we are going to get snow very shortly.

  8. Great job on removing the obstruction in your view! Makes a real difference, doesn't it? I also have those things to deal with when taking photos at the front. Maybe I should rush and get photos in the snow when hopefully they are all covered in white! The procedure you undertook to adjust your photo was very effective :) Now, I have to go back and have another look at your Monday quiz.

  9. Thank you Roy. Had a bit of snow this morning. No doubt there is more on the way.

  10. Thank you Glo. A lump of wood in the view certainly spoils the effect with cloudscapes.
    Had our first bit of snow this morning. Not much yet but there is more to come soon.


Thank you for visiting. Hope you enjoyed the pictures. Any comment, or correction to any information or identification I get wrong, is most welcome. John

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