Saturday, 12 April 2014

Another One

Mrs Great Tit spent some time yesterday sitting on her eggs so I thought she had finished laying but this morning there are now eight. The pair are going to be kept very busy if they all hatch out.

Great Tit Nest 0014


  1. Yes very busy. I can see you having to build an extension for them.

    1. It will be a tad crowded if they all hatch Adrian.

  2. Very busy indeed!
    Hope they all do well.

  3. Great news on your Great tit Mum! Fingers crossed Mum & Dad find caterpillars to feed their hungry chicks when they hatch. The caterpillars made all the difference to our successful 6 Blue tit eggs back in 2010 where all survived to fledging.

    Our first winter of having a Great tit rooster, still has a rooster yet. There is a little moss on the floor but only in the corners. We are a bit later here with Blue tits usually laying eggs at the beginning of May. Our successful brood's nest build only began on 30th April and the first egg was laid just 6 days later - that's our garden record so far.

    1. Shirley. There seems to be plenty of live food around at the moment in spite of the cool conditions.
      Hope your GT makes her mind up to use your box.


Thank you for visiting. Hope you enjoyed the pictures. Any comment, or correction to any information or identification I get wrong, is most welcome. John

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