Today has been a beautiful Sunny day though with a really biting cold wind. Anyway, I decided it was good enough to take the 1200D (full spectrum converted) with us when we went for our mid-morning walkabout. It was also a chance to test out a new (to me) lens which I had bought, used, on eBay. True to the listing it is in pristine condition. A Canon EF 24-105mm 1:4 L IS USM lens. All shots were taken using live shooting which, though much slower in focussing, is the only way to be assured of properly focussed results with a camera converted to accept near IR as well as visible light as they focus at slightly different points.
The start of the walk takes us through the small estate just behind my property.
First glimpse of the village church without its scaffolding:
A bit closer view:
On to the main street and a view of one of the old trees:
Cross over the street for a quick look down Old Mill Lane:
A howling icy blast down there so back to the main street:
Cross the street again and down Mill Lane:
Until we reach a footpath which will take us to the back of the churchyard:
Then in to the old part of the graveyard to get a better view of the church:
Back on the main street looking back. The building on the left used to be our village post office and general store until it was decided to reduce the number of small post offices in the country:
A quick look at the old rectory which is now home to Penny's doctor:
Finally back to our own lane:
A walk on the grey side? Well, I had decided that this outing I would concentrate on B/W (greyscale) photography. All were taken as RAW and then processed using Affinity Photo. Lots of fluffy white clouds an hour before we went ou and a couple of hours after our return but virtually clear sky just when I wanted some cloud!