It's nice to have something new to exercise the remaining grey cell. This time it's animation. A couple of days ago I spotted the Mac app called Crazy Talk Animator 2 Standard Edition had gone free for a while so I just had to download it and have a play. This is about the most basic version they make and you have to work with the backgrounds, figures, animation they supply. I've always wanted to make a short animated intro for my videos so thought I would have a play.
Some rather poorly lit, grainy video of Blue Tits taken earlier in the year:
Small Tortoiseshell and Peacock butterflies filmed earlier in the week:
The animated sequence was saved as a .MOV video file then imported in iMovie and added to the
video clips with associated music where needed.
Of course the idea of giving away the basic version is to entice people to buy the Pro version for £75.
The video clips are great...lively to see the Peacock butterflies out. Have just bought some heathers to plant here...but think it may be a few days till butterflies are out as the very cold winds seem to have returned.