Wednesday 16 December 2020

A Medical Week

Well, couple of days really. Yesterday I had to visit Grimsby Hospital for a routine blood test. That had to be booked in advance. After some of the reports I have seen on social media I expected the visitors car park to be nearly empty and a virtually deserted hospital. In fact the car park was a good 80% full. No hand sanitizing points seen anywhere. The pathology department is deep inside the main building and all the corridors were bustling with people, patients and nursing staff. One beauty of having a pre booked appointment was being able to walk straight in. All over in a matter of minutes. Cost - a gallon+ of petrol and £2.40 parking charge. No getting away from that as the registration number is collected on entry and you can't get out until the charge is paid as the automatic barriers use number plate recognition.

Today was another visit to the vet for Penny. This time to check urine and blood pressure. No infection but her BP is way over the top so more medication. Another BP check soon to see whether the medication dose is correct. She also had more of the anti itching tablets. Total cost for her visits so far this month £350+. Incontinence problems are still ongoing.


  1. Good luck Penny. The hospital sounds about right. Rules for us and not for them. Not to worry, if you check death rates they are about normal now and weren't excessive in May. That's despite the NHS being too busy protecting the NHS to deal with normal stuff like cancer, pneumonia, mental health and stagnation of the lungs. I suspect most of us are better off without their snake oils.
    Good luck.

  2. I have to go and have my blood checked sometime but I'm holding out as long as I can. They have got things wrong anyway as they say that it's over six months since I went but I know it was September so I don't know why they are saying its longer. I hope your dog goes on ok, it's always an expensive job when you go to the vets.


Thank you for visiting. Hope you enjoyed the pictures. Any comment, or correction to any information or identification I get wrong, is most welcome. John

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