Monday, 28 February 2022

Monday Mystery

The first mystery ought to be be 'when will the Great Tits make their minds up about the nest box?' They have explored it singly, or together, quite a few times over the past few weeks.

Now for the picture mystery. Last week I showed:


which was correctly identified by Dave, Adrian, Wilma, Ellen D and Ragged Robin as being part of:


a fire guard / screen. Well done everyone.

All week I have been trying to find somethig for the new mystery object. At almost the eleventh hour I spotted:


which is a close view of .... what? If you would like to have a guess please leave it in the comments. They will be revealed, along with the answer, next Monday.

Monday, 21 February 2022

Monday Mystery

Oh dear, another week flown by. Last Monday I showed:


which was a corner of:


Very well done Kev Scott, Adrian and Dave who correctly identified it as a bath / shower mat. Ragged Robin and Wilma - I used to have a soap dish which looked something like that. I had forgotten all about it.

For the new mystery I have photographed part of .... what?


Like to have a guess? Please leave it in the comments which will be revealed, along with the answer, next Monday.

Monday, 14 February 2022

Monday Mystery

Last week's close view


was taken looking at the inside of the open door on


a microwave oven as was correctly identified by Adrian, Wilma and Ellen D. Well done. My thanks to all who had a guess.

This week I have taken a close shot of


what? Like to have a guess? Please leave it in the comments. They will be revealed, together with the answer, next Monday.

Thursday, 10 February 2022

More Nest Box Inspections

Today was the fourth time Great Tits checked out the Nest Box. What surprised me was the Blue Tit which also visited a short while later. If the video appears to be greyed out it will still play. Seems to be a glitch with YouTube or Blogger.

I wonder how many other sites they are checking out before making a choice.

Tuesday, 8 February 2022

Nest Box Visitors

First - A short while ago I saw two Robins on the lawn. The male will usually attack and drive off any other male Robin intruders in his territory. Those two kept about six feet apart with no signs of aggression. A single Robin has been the first and last visitor to the bird table every day. About a week ago the camera caught two on there at the same time. Slight aggression but both fed at the same time. I hope this is a bonded pair who will nest nearby in the near future.

Now on to the nest box. On Sunday morning a pair of Great Tits came to investigate it. The box was also visited the following day.

Sunday was very overcast so the camera stayed in black and white. Monday was much brighter so a colour clip was captured.

Monday, 7 February 2022

Monday Mystery

Last week's photo


was the top view of


a candle stick. Congratulations to Wilma and Dave who gave the corect answer. Many thanks to all who had a go.

Here is this week's close view of ...


what? If you would like to make a guess please leave it in the comments They will be revealed, along with the answer, next Monday.

Friday, 4 February 2022

Dwarf Iris

As we slowly head towards warmer weather the Dwarf Iris are putting on a colourful show:


As these are growing in a rather weed covered planter I colour popper them to lessen the distracting background.

Tuesday, 1 February 2022


Colourful Sunset to start February.


Liked the way it was reflected on a window next door.
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