Thursday, 28 April 2022

Juvenile Blackbirds Enjoy Apple

The two young Blackbirds continue to spend most of their time in the garden. As Blackbirds usually like a slice of apple in their diet I put a couple of slices on the bird table to see who would eat them. This morning I managed to take some video of the youngsters tucking in.

Hand held recording through the kitchen window so a bit unsteady.

Tuesday, 26 April 2022

When Hedgehogs Meet

There have been several times over the past few weeks when two Hedgehogs have arrived at the feeding station. The same thing happens every time. One is determined that all the food is its. No sharing allowed! The video is longer than usual at a bit over four minutes.

It took two attempts to build this video. For some unknown reason iMovie keeps adding spurious sounds while compiling so this version was made using Filmora X. The sound track uses music included with Filmora. All for free as well!

Monday, 25 April 2022

Monday Mystery

Not many takers to guess last week's object


which was part of


As Adrian put it -'a candle holder thingy'. Yes, Ellen, certainly a hurricane lamp design.

For this week I give you an end on view of an everyday object


If you would like to have a guess as to what the object is please leave it in the comments. They will be revealed, with the answer, next Monday.

Wednesday, 20 April 2022

A Few Birds

From time to time I have spotted a Song Thrush on the lawn, especially while the Blackbirds were gathering food for their younsters.


The Blackbirds had a nest in the garden hedge. Great to see two youngster have fledged and spend some time each day feeding on the seed scattered by the Starlings. For the first few days the Male Blackbird stayed near them, watching, as though to keep them from harm.


Finally - when I videoed the Rooks at the feeders I also managed to take a still which gives an idea of the wing span.


I now have three or four Rooks coming to the feeders every day. I am having to think of a way of making the feeder which holds the suet logs more large beak proof. The Rooks, with their large heavy beaks, keep hacking at the logs to break them up so they can extract the pieces and fly off with them.

Monday, 18 April 2022

Monday Mystery

Last week's close view


was a difficult one to identify but Ellen D. was spot on identifying it as a decorated pitcher. Well done Ellen.


I bought this at a car boot sale many years ago. The seller's wife was an invalid and decorated objects as a hobby. I was hoping to find another similar one to match it, but have not managed as yet to find another.

Maybe this week's close up view will be a little easier to work out


If you would like to have a guess please leave it in the comments. They will be revealed, with the answer, next Monday. My thanks as always to everyone who has a go.

Thursday, 14 April 2022

Corvid Visitors

I sometimes see a Jackdaw pay a fleeting visit to the garden. A few days ago I spotted a couple of them on the lawn:


After a short while they were joined by a Rook.


Recently a Rook has been making early morning visits to the bird feeders.


It usually manages to extract a suet ball or suet log which it enjoys on the ground.


This morning I spotted a Rook which seemed to be self identifying as a Blue Tit as it clung on the feeders to get its share of what was on offer. Fortunately the camera which monitors the feeders caught the action:

I sometimes think they expend as much energy trying to feed as they get from what they manage to eat.

Monday, 11 April 2022

Monday Mystery

For last week's mystery object I showed


which was part of ...


... my egg poacher. Well done to Adrian, Roy and Kev for guessing correctly. Yes, Ellen, once the lid is on steam does play a part.

I am running a bit thin on inspiration for new objects but will try this top view of ...


... what? If you wish to have a go at guessing what the object is the please leave it in the comments. They will be revealed, together with the answer, next Monday.

On the Wildlife front...
I had a feeling that there was more than one hedgehog coming to feed recently as there have been many visits inside the feeding station each night. More on that later in the week.

Thursday, 7 April 2022


The trail camera caught one of the local cats finding out that it prickles when you poke a Hedgehog.

Monday, 4 April 2022

Monday Mystery

Last week's close view


was more difficult than I expected. It was part of


Ardrian was the only person to get it correct. As he put it - It as to be a mouse, computers for the use of. Thank you to all who had a go. Ellen asked whether she could have more than one attempt at guessing. No problem. Have as many as you like.

For this week I have a close view of ...


what? If you would like to have a guess please leave it in the comments. They will be revealed, with the answer, next Monday.

Saturday, 2 April 2022

Blue Tit - Nestbox Shuffle

A while ago I intimated that the next stage in choosing a nestbox would be a nestbox shuffle. The bird spreads its wings and shuffles round the bottom of the box.

It seems to be a way of checking whether the box is large enough for a nest and a brood of chicks. If she is satisfied with the box we may see some nest building soon, or maybe it being used as a roost overnight.
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