Saturday, 2 April 2022

Blue Tit - Nestbox Shuffle

A while ago I intimated that the next stage in choosing a nestbox would be a nestbox shuffle. The bird spreads its wings and shuffles round the bottom of the box.

It seems to be a way of checking whether the box is large enough for a nest and a brood of chicks. If she is satisfied with the box we may see some nest building soon, or maybe it being used as a roost overnight.


  1. This is looking very promising. Let us hope the nest box earns it's keep this year.

  2. I love the pretty blue colors of that bird. How fun it would be to see her build a nest and have chicks in there. Hope she does!

  3. Lovely - we've had nestbox shuffles here too and nest building has commenced. Looks promising for you too - fingers crossed :)


Thank you for visiting. Hope you enjoyed the pictures. Any comment, or correction to any information or identification I get wrong, is most welcome. John

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