Wednesday, 22 June 2022

I am Sure I am Correct This Time

Ten years ago, when I first managed to photograph a furry fly hovering in the garden, I mis-identified a Bee Fly as being a Hummingbird Hawk Moth. Well - this time I am sure I found one. On returning from a walk-about I saw lots of bees on and near the Lavender bushes but something different caught my attention. A grey furry body with bright orange wings, a black and white 'tail' and a long proboscis. It was constantly in flight, sometimes darting about, sometimes hovering to feed on nectar. Not once did I see it land on anything.

I watched for a while then thought to fetch a camera to try for some shots. Darn near impossible. With the bright Sunlight I couldn't see anything on the cameras LCD display so I had to point and hope. Out of eight or nine shots these are about the best, though not as good as I wanted.



I also had just one chance to take a short video. This is a small crop from the original. The moth started off in a good position but ended up right at the bottom of the frame.

I will keep looking out for it and, hopefully, achieve some better results another day.


  1. Well it's not a Bee Fly so it must be the other thing you said. Seriously, I'm green with envy. a great find.

    1. Adrian: The really interesting finds always seem to be accidental. Go looking for one and they are nowhere to be seen.

  2. The video shows it best and I think I can even hear it buzzing! Well done!

    1. Ellen D: I've read that the hum from the fast beating wings can sometimes be heard. Unfortunately I didn't as a close neighbour was having his hedges trimmed at the time and there were lots of buzzing bees about.

  3. Wonderful sighting and it looks like a Hummingbird Hawkmoth too me :) We have had them in the garden on lavender and red valerian. They are so hard to get photos of! You did well :)

    1. R.R: Thank you. A couple of days ago I saw two on the Lavender but by the time I had a camera at the ready they had both moved on.


Thank you for visiting. Hope you enjoyed the pictures. Any comment, or correction to any information or identification I get wrong, is most welcome. John

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