Tuesday, 14 February 2023

Blackcap Visitor

The weekend was a bit over hectic for my liking. Teatime Saturday I discovered my hot water cylinder had sprung a leak. Fortunately a call to my local plumber was responded to very promptly and the water soon drained off and things made safe. Ben, from ADrip Plumbing, managed to persuade a contact of his to open their shop and supply a new cylinder which Ben spent Sunday morning fitting for me. We are fortunate to have such a friendly and efficient business based in the village. All I have to do now is wait for the bill to arrive!

At least a new arrival at the bird feeders cheered me up. It is a few years since I last saw a Blackcap visit the bird feeders. Here are a couple of video clips I managed to take:

Blackcaps are medium sized warblers usually seen in wooded areas but they will visit gardens, especially when their usual food supply is in short supply. So far this male Blackcap has visited for two days running. The male has the distinctive black cap but the female has a brown top.
All the regulars continue to visit - Wood Pigeons, Blackbirds, Robin, Starlings and Collared Doves, with occasional visits by the Pied Wagtail. Hedgie is still visiting every night for his / her free meal and seems to be getting used to eating the soft food alongside its usual dried mealworms and 'Hedgehog Feast' dried food.

Thursday, 9 February 2023

Hedgehog Feast

As well as leaving a bowl of water next to the Hedgehog House these are the items I use to feed any visiting hedgehogs:

Some dried food:

Some dried mealworms:

and new this year ...

Description from the CJ Wildlife website:
Supplementary food can be a great benefit when natural food sources are scarce and hedgehogs are preparing to hibernate (from October - December), or when they are emerging from hibernation (February - April). Paté for hedgehogs is a moisture-rich food containing organic meat. This easily digestible food is akin to their natural meaty diet so our prickly friends are sure to enjoy this tasty feast. Simply remove the foil lid and serve! Composition: Meat and animal derivatives from organic chicken and turkey, Minerals and derivatives of vegetable origin.


It is taking a while for Hedgie to get used to the new food. The first night a small amount was eaten and last night half was gone by this morning.

Tuesday, 7 February 2023

Hedgehog Visitor

Well, it's been nearly a month since I had anything new to report on the garden wildlife front. The Bluetits have been visiting the camera nestbox several times every day. Always the same routine. One enters and waits. The second one arrives and the first immediately leaves.

During the spell of milder weather there were no visits by the Pied Wagtail but it has returned now the frosts have returned.

The hedgehog I mentioned some time ago has been visiting the garden every night. Yesterday I got round to fixing up the camera in the Hedgehog House.

It seems to be thriving well and appears non the worse for being out of hibernation so early.
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