Saturday, 22 February 2025

Resident Badger

A few nights ago a Badger visited the garden and decided to stay. It has made its home under a large shed and potters about the garden each night.

The Badger is eating some unsalted peanuts I put in a dish. Not the clearest of videos but the best I have so far.


  1. How wonderful to have a badger in the garden. I loved the video - thank you.

    1. Initially it was exciting to see the Badger make itself at home. Unfortunately there could be some future problems - I worry about any disturbance to the foundations for the shed. It is large and built with hefty 1 inch planks..
      I have been in touch with the Lincolnshire Badger Group so I can get some more information and advice as there could be some complications with Badgers being a protected wildlife species.

  2. A grand sight but I'm glad it's not on my site. You could have a problem.

  3. Adrian: It has been interesting to watch. Recently it seems to have been roaming elsewhere at night. Now it looks as though it may have moved on as it hasn't been spotted on camera and it didn't sleep here last night. In many ways that is a bit of a relief.


Thank you for visiting. Hope you enjoyed the pictures. Any comment, or correction to any information or identification I get wrong, is most welcome. John

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