Showing posts with label Butterfly eggs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Butterfly eggs. Show all posts

Tuesday, 10 May 2022

Yellow Eggs

I was pruning some overhanging branches on a fruit bush when I spotted a flash of yellow on one green leaf.


On a closer look I could see a group of tiny yellow eggs.


Just the subject for another macro focus stacking session. Here I set up the Canon M5 with 18 - 150mm zoom lens and added the Raynox MSN-202 super macro conversion lens on my home brew automatic stepper unit.


The results - closer views of the eggs of a Large White Butterfly - often called a Cabbage White as cabbage leaves are one of the plants they often lay their eggs on for the caterpillars to consume.

2022-05-10-13.34.29 ZS PMax

2022-05-10-13.42.50 ZS PMax

I wrote about my home brew Arduino driven automatic system HERE in 2020. The first of today's macro photos used eleven shots, each with a slightly different focus, stacked using Helicon Focus. The second used 20 shots.
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