Showing posts with label Dandelion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dandelion. Show all posts

Friday, 1 June 2018

Yellow in the Yellowbelly County

Yellowbelly - a term sometimes used to describe a person from Lincolnshire.
The derivation is lost in the mists of time. Some ideas here on Wikipedia.

Yellow flowers spotted yesterday.

 Firstly the Ice Plant shown a few days ago.
An excellent ground cover plant very tolerant to drought:

Another excellent ground cover plant, drought tolerant:
A Sedum but I forget which:

Dandelion. Loved by insects and the bane of many a gardener:

Buttercup. Far too many in my lawn. As a child did you ever hold one under someone's chin to see whether the reflected yellow Sunlight showed they liked butter?

My tomato plants flowering nicely:

Lincolnshire wouldn't be the same without its glowing fields of Oilseed Rape:

All taken with the iPhone 6s in spite of what Flickr says

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Stretch Spider and a Dandelion Clock

Frost on the ground first thing this morning but fortunately it soon melted when the Sun got up.

There are lots of these Stretch Spiders which build their webs between the vertical leaves of my pond plants. I tried to get in close while this one was in the middle of its web but every time it made a dash for its hiding spot where it stretched out along the underneath of a leaf but still kept one leg attached to the web, just in case there was food about:

Stretch Spider IMG_7721

As children we used to blow on the seed heads of dandelions, the game was to tell the time by how many goes it took to blow all the seeds away:

Dandelion Clock IMG_7754

Both photos are hand held macro shots.

Great Tit;
The egg count has finished at eight and Mama is spending long periods on the nest with Papa bring a tasty grub to feed her every now and then.
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