Showing posts with label Holly Blue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holly Blue. Show all posts

Saturday, 8 April 2017

Holly Blue Butterfly

Just as we set off for our mid morning walkabout a flash of blue flew past us and landed on the ivy growing on the outside of my fence:

Common Blue Butterfly

Common Blue Butterfly

My luck was in as I rarely seem to see these settle long enough to photograph.
My thanks to Conehead54 for correcting my intial mis-identification of Common Blue.
This one is a Holly Blue.

All in all a glorious April day today.
Wall to wall Sunshine:
 Sunshine 8 April 2017

Maximum temperature 19.7C:
Temp 8 April 2017

Sunday promises to be even hotter.

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Holly Blue

I often see small blue butterflies flitting about the garden but Sunday was the first time I have seen them land. I was tidying up at the bottom of the garden when I noticed several different flutters were landing on the Ivy growing over my fence from the property behind me. Among them were several Holly Blue butterflies so I spent a while making sure I got some shots of them:




By the markings I think they were all females.
It was interesting to see that some of the larger butterflies often seemed to be chasing the blues away.
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