Showing posts with label Magic Lantern. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Magic Lantern. Show all posts

Friday, 9 August 2013

Friday at the Flicks - 2nd Bees on Sunflower

The previous post has a macro video taken with the Nikon Coolpix S9050. I had been looking around to see if there were any dedicated macro video camcorders when I thought - try the 50D now it is loaded with Magic Lantern which allows it to take video, even if only silent:

I fitted the Sigma 28-80mm macro lens and kept Magic Lantern to shooting 4:3 format. The first part of the video was taken as close as I could get. I still want to be able to get closer so will keep experimenting and looking. At the moment I am investigating the Raynox DCR-150 add on macro lens which seems to have good reviews. There are quite a few ideas for investigation on the UntamedScience website.

Friday, 7 June 2013

Friday at the Flicks - Great Tit Babies Visit the Garden

Yesterday I crossed my fingers, held my breath and installed Magic Lantern software on the Canon 50D. One of the things this adds is the ability to shoot silent video. I'll make a more detailed comment about the ML software abilities another day.

This is the first video I took this morning of one of the Great Tit adults on the peanut feeder. Even with a 400mm lens it doesn't get as close in as my camcorders. This one was shot in wide screen:

A little later I decided to try the 640x480 aspect ration and was lucky that at least two of the baby Great Tits decided to make an appearance:

Nice to see at least two of them are learning where the free food is while the parents continue to search for food.

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