Showing posts with label Magpie Moth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Magpie Moth. Show all posts

Sunday, 14 August 2016

A Magpie of the Moth Variety

As we walked past a hedge on our early walkies this morning a moth flew out, landed briefly on Penny's back and then carried on across the lane to rest on a fence:



This was only my second sighting of a Magpie Moth, Abraxas grossulariata. From a distance it was bending in fairly well with the wood so I doubt I would have noticed it if it hadn't flown across our path.

Saturday, 31 May 2014

Abraxas grossulariata

Spotted next to my side gate yesterday:

DSCN2738_Fotor       DSCN2743_Fotor

Abraxas grossulariata  (Magpie Moth) caterpillar

I took this photo of a Magpie Moth in 2009:

Magpie Moth

This is a Summer daytime flying moth. The caterpillars may be found feeding on Blackthorn and Hawthorn but can also cause widespread damage to the leaves of currant and gooseberry bushes.

Friday, 30 August 2013

When is a Butterfly not a Butterfly .....

.... when it is pretty and looks like a butterfly to me but .....

As we were trolling* home down the lane this flutter landed on the path. I knew I had seen one like it only once before so took a few photos. After looking on several butterfly identification sites it was nowhere to be seen. Then the penny dropped. Not a butterfly - a moth.

In this case a Magpie Moth: (Abraxas grossulariata)



Unfortunately I have no new videos for this Friday.

* troll, from the Middle English trollen, to stroll.
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