Showing posts with label Scarecrow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scarecrow. Show all posts

Saturday, 18 July 2015

The Aliens Have Landed

There are only three entries locally for the village Scarecrow competition.
Here are the other two:



There are a few more in the adjoining village. I hope they are still on view when I get round to hunting them out. Looking at the list of entries there seems to be two sections to the competition. Just a scarecrow and a scarecrow combined with the garden as a whole.

Today I had a wander round the village show which is held on the school playing field so there are a few blog entries to come from that over the next week.

Thursday, 16 July 2015

The Friendly Scarecrow

How the time flies. It doesn't seem a year since the last village scarecrow competition. On our morning perambulation I spotted this local entry. Not just a scarecrow but a whole scene:




DSCN4944    DSCN4943


A lot of thought, planning and effort has gone in to making this delightful scene.

Friday, 29 October 2010

Friday at the Flicks - Garden Bird Visitors, A Modern Scarecrow

A bit of a dearth of new video at the moment as the birds are eating less from the feeders during this mild spell and the dull grey skies are not conducive to clear photography. Anyway here are some of the birds which came to eat this week.

Coal Tit
Great Tit, Tree Sparrow, Male Chaffinch, more Tree Sparrows

 Something I have been meaning to video for quite a while is a bird scarer / modern scarecrow which seems to do a decent job on a local vegetable patch. It doesn't really show well on the clip but the 'head' is made up of different sections some of which are holograms which really glitter as it turns round in the wind.

Have a great weekend observing the wildlife around you.
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