The light spilling out of the hedgehog house is IR which looks bright when seen by the trail camera. I tried my first camera attempt with the 12V supply from a battery. The video was still suffering interference so I obtained a tp-link tapo TC-60 wifi video camera to try. Bingo!

All went well, slightly out of focus as the hedgehog house was too small to move the camera well away but still a fair result. The camera has a microSD card to save the videos. It can be programmed to record only when motion is detected. The video clips can be downloaded by wifi to the makers app on a smart phone ot tablet. This is an indoor camera so should be OK in the hedgehog house but is not waterproof for exterior use. The 9V supply is in a nearby shed.
The feast .....

..... is a mixture of bought hedgehog food and dried mealworms. Water is available elsewhere in the garden.