Saturday, 30 November 2019

On This Day

30th November 2019 it is




Could have been worse - 30th November 2017 it was


Friday, 29 November 2019

Night Visitor

Checking for any captures on the trail camera I see a fox made another visit to the back garden



I hope next door's chickens are well secured at night.

Wednesday, 27 November 2019


The Harvestman is an arachnid related to spiders and scorpions.


They are easily recognised by their small body and very long, thin legs.


There are about 25 species in the UK and over 6,650 species worldwide.
Unlike spiders they do not spin silk or produce venom.
Some are predators, catching small invertebrates with the hooks on the ends of their legs.
Others are omnivorous and will also eat fruit and fungi.

Monday, 25 November 2019

Monday Mystery

Last week's object was more difficult to identify than I imagined.


Kris did spot it might be showing the time.

In fact it was part of the face of a 'smart watch'


As well as showing date and time it records how many steps I have walked each day and works out the number of calories burned. A target can be set for walking. In my case an average of 4,000 steps a day. The 'bullseye' graphic shows how much of the target has been achieved as the day progresses. Another facility is to monitor how well one is sleeping. Following a recent update to the software it also continuously records heart rate. When connected to a smart phone it transfers the data and vibrates when the phone receives an email or message. With good eyesight messages can be read on the phone display.

This week there are three views of the new mystery object:


Please leave any guesses in the comments.
They will be revealed, along with the answer, next Monday.

Thursday, 21 November 2019

Not Just a Fly Trap

Checking my Venus Fly Trap I was surprised and pleased to find


it  also catches wasps.

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

I Might Have Known.....

.... the first bird I spotted using the suet ball feeder would be



a Magpie.

These were taken with the Nikon Coolpix S9050 I bought in December 2012.  It's doing a grand job as the photo numbering reached 9999 and started again from 0001 a few days ago. That means it has taken over 10,000 shots. It is still using the original battery which automatically charges every time I plug the camera in the laptop to download the photos.

Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Rod, Pole or Perch

I wonder whether that title conjures up memories of using Imperial measures in maths lessons for those of a similar age to myself. Relax, no maths today though. I have seen what looks like a few beak marks in the top jar of the peanut feeder. Since I received the feeder I have had some doubts as to how easy it is for birds to actually get at the jars once they are inside the cage. To my mind it really needs a perch or two to make things easier for them. To that end I have installed a length of wood - one of several uses I find for spent rocket firework sticks found after Bonfire Night or New Year celebrations.


If that works I will install another perch near the bottom two jars.

For those not familiar with our old Imperial units of measurement there is a useful web page HERE which gives some insight into their origins. I wonder how many younger people know that the length of an adult cricket wicket is one chain. (1 chain = 22 yards = 4 rods)

On the weather front - I repaired the heater just in time
 Temperature 18Nov2019

It is hovering around 0C this morning.
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