Last week's object was more difficult to identify than I imagined.
Kris did spot it might be showing the time.
In fact it was part of the face of a 'smart watch'
As well as showing date and time it records how many steps I have walked each day and works out the number of calories burned. A target can be set for walking. In my case an average of 4,000 steps a day. The 'bullseye' graphic shows how much of the target has been achieved as the day progresses. Another facility is to monitor how well one is sleeping. Following a recent update to the software it also continuously records heart rate. When connected to a smart phone it transfers the data and vibrates when the phone receives an email or message. With good eyesight messages can be read on the phone display.
This week there are three views of the new mystery object:
Please leave any guesses in the comments.
They will be revealed, along with the answer, next Monday.