Thursday, 10 December 2009

Flix For Friday - A Bucket of Sparrows

I think this short clip was filmed a couple of years ago. I had some scruffy decorative stones soaking in a bucket of water. It was a real attraction for the local House Sparrows. I t was too deep to stand in and bathe so they could only wash behind their ears and every now and then one would dash across the surface.

The soundtrack I call Thumper. I put that together several years ago using software called eJay Dance 4. I had to give up playing with the program as it wouldn't work on later versions of Windozy but I've finally got round to ordering a newer version - so you have been warned - better get a supply of ear plugs on order.

Bobby had his check up today (Thursday). Mike, the vet, was very pleased with his progress though Bobby was not best amused when a blood sample was taken to make sure the tablets were not doing more harm than good. Mike phoned me the results. Red and white blood cell count fine, kidney and liver function OK. Bobby stays on half a table a day. I can try halving that dose in a weeks time.

Keeping my fingers crossed that tomorrow's change of ISP goes smoothly.


  1. John rest assured the music is not distraction. Welll I can live with it. Merry Christmas,
    We arn't half glad the dogs OK give him a friendly kick from me.

  2. Thank you Adrian. I'm relieved Bobby is doing so well. Daren't kick him - he'd beat me to death with that two foot lump of white lead he calls a tail. ;)

    Merry Christmas to you. Have you decided on a destination for the 'festive' season?

  3. Hi again John, brilliant video! The track and action are a great match. It made me smile :-D

    Look forward to hearing from your new software. I've been looking at changes of tracks etc too for my videos. I'm trying a trail version of Pinnacle 14 but not really had enough time to look into it fully enough.

    Great to hear the good news on Bobby. Lets hope its the same with the ISP :-)

    Have a good weekend :-D

  4. Those sparrows sure like that bucket! Glad that Bobby is handling his meds well.

  5. Thank you Shirl. The eJay series of programs are for creating your own music. Great fun but quite time consuming. You don't have to be able to play any instruments. It has thousands of short 'musical' blocks which you slide on to a time line. Very addictive I found.

    I am very relieved Bobby has progressed so well though the vet did emphasise that he has to be kept calm - some hopes. Short walks, no jumping, etc..

    Very smooth ISP migration. Tried the usual connection - already disabled. Plugged in the new router and in less than 5 mins I had my new connection to Zen. They pre configure the router so all I had to do was plug it in. Brilliant.

  6. Hello Wilma. They sure did. They used it for weeks during a period of dry weather.
    I am very relieved that Bobby has made such fast progress. He is acting as though he is 5 years younger now.

  7. What a great video John. They really look as though they are enjoying that. I did.

  8. They did Keith. They kept coming back for a wash day after day.

  9. A great, fun video John, they almost seemed to be choreographed!

    I hope you don't mind me commenting here on the posts I have just caught up with...

    I wish I could grow Skimmias and have tried but my soil is just not acidic enough. The blackbird's serrated tail did look a sorry sight but hopefully it won't cause him any problems.

    How lovely to see the return of the LTTs, I think they are such delightful little birds, I hope mine come back soon.

    Last but definitely not least, I am so glad Bobby is doing well and tolerating the medication, I'm guessing they may be a corticosteroid, hopefully you will be able to maintain him on the lowest dose possible.

  10. Those sparrows are certainly having fun! I wonder if the birds would like your music piped through good speakers to them?? Hope your change-over of ISP's goes smoothly.

  11. Hello Jan. Pleased you liked the video clip.
    You can comment wherever you like Jan. It is often easier to put several together.
    I am a bit worried about the Skimmia as it can be chalky round here.
    It is great to see the LTTs around the garden again.
    I think Bobby's medication is similar to a corticosteroid. I have to have the same sort of checks with the medication I have for gout. He can try a quarter of a tablet daily late next week.

  12. Hello Mick. It was fun watching them go through the same performance day after day. It must have been the only suitable water source for washing round here at the time.
    I'm not so sure the neighbours would appreciate my choice of music ;)

    ISP change over went very smoothly. Changing email addresses on file with certain companies was more fraught!

  13. Great news that Bobby is doing so well. I firmly believe that a happy home life and a good routine does wonders for an old dog!

  14. Hello Matron. Yes. A lot of TLC, warmth and good food, plus the inevitable walks and a comfortable bed. Especially for a 60mph couch potato. ;)


Thank you for visiting. Hope you enjoyed the pictures. Any comment, or correction to any information or identification I get wrong, is most welcome. John

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