What a change in the weather. Temperature up to 20.4C yesterday so it was a bit on the warm side when I altered the zoom on the Hedgehog camera to get a slightly better close up shot. Needless to say it didn't come last night. Today the temp is already 21.5C out there.
No apologies for yet more Chaffinch video. I spent an hour or so yesterday adjusting colour response of monitor, DVR and EzCap software. In the end I put three objects on the bird table. One red, one blue and one green and used those to get as accurate a balance as was possible.
In this video the first, male Chaffinch, was a recording from the DVR while the female Chaffinch was recorded live. The limit on quality is partly the EzCap software which records a maximum of 640x480.
The colours are more accurate when the table is in shade. Good as the little video camera is it wasn't really designed to use outdoors in glaring Sunshine.
This is a hundred percent better. It's perfect. Colour balance is a real pain for me as I failed my pilots ticket on it. I can tell when it looks right but have trouble starting from scratch. Over 50% of men are colour blind but very few women are. Or so they tell us.
ReplyDeleteAdrian: I think it's as good as I can get it.
DeleteNice video, John. You managed to eliminate that jarring color; it looks quite neutral and natural now.
ReplyDeleteThank you Wilma. I worked out there is a lot of green early on when the Sun is low across the lawn.
Deletedefinitely better color definition. :)
ReplyDeleteGlad you agree TWG.