Friday, 2 May 2014

Great Tit Nest - Final Count

For a short while this morning I was able to see clearly how many hungry beaks were begging to be fed. Finally I could see that all eight eggs did hatch. How the babies are growing. They are just seven days old but wings and feather marking are showing. If you are very quick and observant all eight can be seen after the title fades out.

The parents are obviously doing a grand job.


  1. amazing how quickly they grow!

  2. These videos are something I look forward to. What is it she brings that they won't eat?

    1. Nothing Adrian. All the food gets eaten though the parents sometimes have to try several beaks to find one wide enough. What they take out is baby poop from the opposite end to the beak ;)

    2. Ta John.....Silly me.


Thank you for visiting. Hope you enjoyed the pictures. Any comment, or correction to any information or identification I get wrong, is most welcome. John

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