Thursday, 10 December 2015


This morning we went to see Mike, the vet, to have Penny's teeth and gums checked as she has been having problems again. The outcome is more dental work for her in the near future.

For a while it was a cheap visit as we weren't charged for the consultation, just for the medication prescribed. That is it was cheap until:

As we went round a corner and hit a small pothole the vibration caused a join in the exhaust to break and the front pipe of the back box dropped to road level. Not a nice sound. Fortunately we were only a few miles from home so I called Mick at the local village garage. He arrived in a quarter of an hour and removed the dangling pipe and box. I was then able to drive to the garage sounding like a formula three racer. This happened at 2 p.m. and by 4.45 Mick had ordered a new part, had it delivered and then fitted. Superb service from Mick Watts as always.


  1. More of an adventure than you were expecting but a happy ending! Dennis got stuck in the mud on the Monkey River Road this morning in an area with poor phone reception. He got a text through to me and I was able to call a friend with a truck to go pull him out. So he had a happy ending too. No such thing as AAA here or even tow trucks around here.

    1. Wilma: I've carried a mobile phone for several years, just in case... but this is the first time I've had to use it. Pre mobile phone days I would have had about a mile to walk to the nearest home with a phone. Fortunately reception was good. I could have called out the AA but they could have taken a couple of hours to reach me and by then it would have been too late to get things put right on the same day.

  2. Things usually happen in threes John, so two down one to go. Hope it is nothing too expensive.

  3. Ouch! Cycling equivalent would be when my rear ratchet broke 10 miles out!


Thank you for visiting. Hope you enjoyed the pictures. Any comment, or correction to any information or identification I get wrong, is most welcome. John

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