Scarce Fungus Weevil - Platyrhinus resinosus
I was about to move a planter I have hanging on the fence when I spotted what at first I thought was a dollup of bird dung but on closer examination turned out to be alive:
It was such a strange looking creature the like of which I had not seen before.
I just had to take several photos from different angles to give me a chance of identifying it:

Next job was to find an identification. I ended up on the Naturespot web site and after scrolling through dozens of bug photos eventually found a perfect match.
Size: about 10mm. Common name: Cramp-ball Fungus Weevil.
This weevil is not as scarce as its name would suggest.
You can see more information on this page at Naturespot.
It is a little beauty.
ReplyDeleteAdrian. Certainly different. Very obliging too as it waited while I fetched a camera and then stayed around for a few minutes before it got fed up and wandered off.
DeleteAdrian: BTW I did get you mail re grey white balance but keep forgetting to reply.
DeleteIt has a lot of character.
ReplyDeleteWilma: Certainly unusual.
DeleteOh my! Ha ha ha! Strange-looking indeed John! But weevils are like that, interesting and gory at the same time!
ReplyDeleteMaree: There are some very weird looking bugs.
DeleteInteresting weevil - lovely macro shots.
ReplyDeleteRR: Thank you. Just crops from the pocket Nikon.
DeleteIt looks like a sort of lumpy platypus
ReplyDeleteSimon: Platypus came to my mind when I first saw it close up.