I have been gathering plants to use in four 14 inch (35cm) hanging baskets. As they arrived as plug plants they have needed potting on until they are sufficiently robust to plant in the baskets.
Here I have six Scented Trailing Nemesia Vanilla Lady on the right and the rest are mixed Pansy plants:

There are also 35 mixed trailing Lobelia which came as mini plug plants:

They look like good value as there must be about 6 plants in each plug.
On the way back from an excellent fish and chip meal at the Wagon and Horses, South Reston, yesterday lunch time I picked up a few primulas from the local Post Office and general store. They will fill a few gaps where some have died off:

Following a night of heavy rainfall the back lawn is starting to disappear under water again. Also I think things have been too wet for the Great Tit to find suitable nesting material as there have been no visits to the nestbox so far today. Yesterday she was fairly busy so this is the state of play:

I think the item top left is a feather which is caught in a spider's web. It initially caused some problems last night as it fluttered when the wind was blowing. Anything moving starts the recorder. Fortunately modern DVRs have a section where any part of the picture can be marked as 'ignore this'.