Wednesday, 11 August 2021

Two Hedgehogs Meet in the Hedgehog House

Not for the first time two Hedgehogs have tried to feed at the same time in the Hedgehog House. Always the same outcome. A tussle over who is going to stay and have a free meal. Fortunately only egos are bruised in these encounters. The ability to curl up and being covered in spines makes for good protection during arguments.

There were several more solo feeding sessions later during the night. For some, as yet unknown, reason the outside camera doesn't seem to be recording sound.


  1. Fascinating footage. Your'e lucky to have them visiting. Thanks for letting us see this.

  2. Your captions help to enhance the drama! This is great ! Thanks, John!


Thank you for visiting. Hope you enjoyed the pictures. Any comment, or correction to any information or identification I get wrong, is most welcome. John

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