Saturday, 1 January 2022

New Year's Resolution

Yesterday, on the last day of 2021, I finally got round to carrying out a resolution I made nearly twelve months ago. I had been wanting to fix up a nestbox with a camera inside. Something I did many years ago for a couple of breeding seasons. That camera was only black and white. It was wired all the way from the end of the garden to this room so I could record any activity. I hankered for colour and wireless transmission. A few weeks ago I experimented with the camera I had used in the Hedgehog house to see whether that would work.


I removed the stand and fixed it facing down looking through a hole in the top part of the box. After a soak test running it in the conservatory for about ten days all seemed OK so I fixed up the nestbox in place of the one I cleared out a short while ago.


It may look a little strange as most of it is new(ish) but I had mislaid the section with the entrance hole so I used the one from the old box. This box is designed for a camera and has a 'window' on one side to let a bit of light in which enables the camera to record in colour during the day. The box is positioned so Sunlight doesn't shine directly on it.


View the camera sees though it makes the inside of the nestbox look tattier than it really is.


The camera detects movement and records automatically to an SD card. That can be accessed from an app on my phone and any interesting activity downloaded. I'm not sure yet about the focus as it is fixed and once a nest is built the focus may be a tad on the soft side. Only time will tell.

All I need now is for a Blue Tit or Great Tit to make a New Year Resolution to use the nestbox as a Winter roost and then build a nest.


  1. Let us hope it works and we get more than a bee or two.

  2. You are all set for the upcoming nesting season, John. Hope you get a pair of cooperative birds.

  3. Great idea and Good Luck. look forward hopefully to footage later in the year. I saw a Blue Tit at the entrance to one of the nestboxes this morning. Must be the mild weather. Happy and Healthy New Year to you.

  4. Is there a way to lure them inside? Or do you just wait and see?
    That will be interesting to watch! Well done!


Thank you for visiting. Hope you enjoyed the pictures. Any comment, or correction to any information or identification I get wrong, is most welcome. John

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