Tuesday, 27 December 2022

Unwelcome Visitor

Just happened to spot this furry visitor to the bird feeders:

Time to put out some 'special' food in a safe place!

Friday, 23 December 2022

Saturday, 17 December 2022

Magpies v Suet Cake

As well as spreading seed on the grass for the ground feeding birds I added an Insect and Peanut suet cake to see who would be interested. Most of it was gobbled up by a group of five Magpies.

The suet cake was put there at 9 a.m. and all completely gone by midday. The Pied Wagtail continues to visit every day.

Tuesday, 13 December 2022

A Negative Day

Woke up to another colder than usual day for mid December here. As the readings (stored on the Wunderground web site) from my new weather station show it never reached the dizzy height of 0C all day - up to the time of writing:


My old weather station was starting to become unreliable so I invested in a new one which I installed a few days ago when the temperature was better at +3C. The indoor readout is quite spectacular:


A large display, bright and clear, readable from anywhere in the room as it is hung on the wall. It comes with the outdoor sensors as usual but also has an extra module which I have in the unheated conservatory to show temperature and humidity in there. The only reading which needs adjusting is the air pressure. That is a bit fiddly to set on this display.

I didn't really want to get out of bed this morning but eventually surfaced to the winter wonderland. Looking at some of the greenery you would be forgiven for thinking it had been snowing


but it is just days of accumulated frost building up on everything. As the ice in the bird baths is now too thick to remove easily yesterday I put out a large plant-pot saucer filled with fresh water. This morning the ice in it was 10mm thick but I managed to remove it and refill with water. The Pied Wagtail was one of the first to take advantage. That was at 9 a.m.. By midday it was frozen solid again and needed refilling.


It has been spending most of each day in the garden. As it will only search for food at ground level I scatter some seed on the grass for it to find. There appears to be a possibility we may have some snow tomorrow, Wednesday.

Monday, 12 December 2022

Misty, Icy Weather

Temperature dropped to -5.3C at one point in the early hours of the day with freezing fog. It has stayed below 0C all day with a cold mist. The area looks as though Nature has added its own Christmas decorations to everything.




I don't think the spider webs will be catching much ..


It always surprises me that this is the time of year the corkscrew Hazel starts to produce its catkins ready to open when Spring warmth returns.



Some shots were a bit hurried as my fingers were freezing but at least there was no snow, yet, so walking about was easy.

Sunday, 11 December 2022

Magpies Bathing

There was a thin layer of water over a thick layer of ice in the bird bath but that didn't deter

the three regular Magpie visitors from having their daily shower. The Pied Wagtail spent several hours in the garden today.

Saturday, 10 December 2022

Pied Wagtail Returns

Today I set up the camcorder ready for any interesting visitors to the bird feeders. After a night where the temperature dipped down to -3C there seemed to be far fewer than yesterday. One which did return for another quick visit was

the Pied Wagtail. I was ready for it this time. It was quite bossy and kept chasing the local House Sparrows away from where it wanted to feed.

Friday, 9 December 2022

Busy Bird Feeders

As the weather has been so cold, yesterday and today the bird feeders have been in great demand. Along with the usual small birds I counted four Rooks, three Magpies, several Crows and a couple of Jackdaws. One which took me by surprise was a fleeting visit from a

Pied Wagtail DSCN1310

Pied Wagtail. Managed to grab a few hurried stills but as soon as I started to set up the camcorder it flew away. I have often seen them in nearby grassy areas but I don't remember seeing one in my garden before today. I always have a smile at the antics of the Starlings. I emptied all the ice out of a bird bath and refilled with water. Within a few minutes the Starlings were having a good old splash around in spite of it being all of 1C out there.
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