My old weather station was starting to become unreliable so I invested in a new one which I installed a few days ago when the temperature was better at +3C. The indoor readout is quite spectacular:

A large display, bright and clear, readable from anywhere in the room as it is hung on the wall. It comes with the outdoor sensors as usual but also has an extra module which I have in the unheated conservatory to show temperature and humidity in there. The only reading which needs adjusting is the air pressure. That is a bit fiddly to set on this display.
I didn't really want to get out of bed this morning but eventually surfaced to the winter wonderland. Looking at some of the greenery you would be forgiven for thinking it had been snowing

but it is just days of accumulated frost building up on everything. As the ice in the bird baths is now too thick to remove easily yesterday I put out a large plant-pot saucer filled with fresh water. This morning the ice in it was 10mm thick but I managed to remove it and refill with water. The Pied Wagtail was one of the first to take advantage. That was at 9 a.m.. By midday it was frozen solid again and needed refilling.

It has been spending most of each day in the garden. As it will only search for food at ground level I scatter some seed on the grass for it to find. There appears to be a possibility we may have some snow tomorrow, Wednesday.
We have an aercus weather station here with sensors, rain gauges, wind thingies etc set up outside and a display by the computer. You can check so much information on the computer about past weather patterns. Although to be fair it does go wrong sometimes but it is all so interesting!! -6.2 last night -3.2 outside at present. We have had more unusual birds visiting too such as the Ring Necked Parakeets and Great Spotted Woodpecker have returned. I have been putting out apples but I think Fieldfares and Redwings only visit when we have deep snow. We shall see. Keep hoping for an overwintering Blackcap!