Saturday, 4 March 2023

Pocket Love

It is all much of a muchness hereabouts at the moment but one new flower is catching my eye. One of my small orchid plants is showing flowers, on last years growth! The plant is a Dendrobium hybrid - Pocket Love:



It is also forming lots of flower buds on the new growth which should give a lovely display in a month or so.


  1. Aren't those lovely!?! I have never known what to do to get orchids to bloom again. You certainly did something right there!

    1. Ellen: They vary in what may be needed. Some prefer a cool rest in the Winter. Not many like direct harsh Sunlight. Mine are South facing but have a bamboo blind to filter the light. A bit of misting helps as central heated rooms can be low in humidity.


Thank you for visiting. Hope you enjoyed the pictures. Any comment, or correction to any information or identification I get wrong, is most welcome. John

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