Showing posts with label Alford. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alford. Show all posts

Thursday, 5 August 2021

On Ya Bike

After a rotten Sunday when I felt really down and still missing the company of Penny I decided it was time to get out and about a bit more. Monday I went to have a look round Horncastle. More about that in a future post. Today I made a short visit to Alford. I went to see how many bicycles I could find. Not any old bikes. Blooming bikes! Each year a group in Alford come up with an idea to beautify the town. This year they decided to have bicycles decorated with flowers. The theme being titled 'On Ya Bike - and Come to Alford'. Here are the ones I managed to find, along with some of the other flower arrangements.















My congratulations to all those involved in the project. All in all it was worth a visit with a warm 21C sunny day to add to the relaxing atmosphere.

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Alford Cartoonified

As always I had the iPod set up to record my car journeys.
I have shown the drive out of Alford in the past.
This time I thought I would make it look a little different.

This is the result of using the Mac app Celling Video

Turn right out of the car park.
After the few shops the market square in on the left.
Where the black car comes towards me is the Greyhound charity shop.
Wait for a gap in the traffic passing the church.
On to the road which takes us back home.
As we negotiate the left hand bend out of the town there is the entrance to Alford's five sail working windmill. I must get round to visiting it for a photo session.

I took this photo of Alford windmill some years ago.

Alford 5 sail windmill

Read about the windmill on the Alford Windmill web site.

Sunday, 21 October 2018

St Wilfrid's Church, Alford, Lincolnshire

Saturday afternoon, though still cool, the Sun decided to shine on the righteous. I wanted to visit the Alford charity shop which supports Fen Bank Greyhound Sanctuary. That is the rescue centre where I found Penny six years ago. I knew she would jump at the chance of a car journey and visiting somewhere different to investigate so in no time she was sprawled out on the back seat of the car and we were on our way.

Once we were parked up near the town centre I had a pleasant surprise.
The first hour's parking was free.
Just enter the car registration number and hit the green button on the ticket machine.


First task was to walk out the back of the car park which leads to a country lane. That gave madam a chance to have a good stiff at every tuft of grass and do whatever else she needed before we walked into the market square. As we ambled back past the shops I saw the charity shop was busy so I decided to have a look round the outside of the parish church.

This is the second church built on the site, the first being constructed of wood.
At least part of the present building is said to date back to 1289.


On previous visits, mainly in the Summer time, I have seen people abseiling down the tower, usually to raise money for charity. This time all was quiet apart from the traffic which passes the church on the way to and from Mablethorpe on the Lincolnshire coast.

Once we had found a gap in the traffic we dashed across to the church where we could relax and take our time.
I had not walked round the church before and there was plenty to look at.

First the base of the tower and its entrance door



Once round the back, the North side, I could see the roof edge was lined with well weathered gargoyles.


One thing I did notice was that most of the arches over the doors and windows were terminated with carved heads. A couple of composite pictures made with the Mac App Photo Wrangler to show closer views of the carvings.


Just look at those magnificent hinges.


A clearer view of one


Nearing the East end of the church a glance heavenwards showed the pinnacles which top the tower.


Moving round to the front of the church one can see the very prominent war memorial.



There are several grave cover stones in this area.
One which caught my interest (complete with patient greyhound shadow).


An enhanced view of the inscription.


That led us to the main entrance.


After this quick tour round the exterior of


we walked back to the market square and visited the charity shop. I achieved my purpose - to buy a pack of Christmas cards which have been specially designed for Fen Bank Greyhound Sanctuary. The four legged boss fell in love with the lady who had the tin of dog biscuits kept to reward doggy visitors. Then it was time to return to the car and journey home.

Thursday, 18 June 2015

Trip to Alford (long)

I had been meaning to take some bits and pieces to the Greyhound Rescue charity shop in Alford for a while and yesterday finally got Round Tuit. Alford is a small market town in Lincolnshire and I carefully chose a non market day so there would be plenty of parking spaces and not too many people for Penny to pester for a fuss! Not that there are too many problems parking these days as the one main parking area is fairly large ....


... and a bridge leads to an overspill area which about doubles the number of car spaces. Alford must be one of the cheapest parking areas in Lincolnshire at £1 for up to two hours:


Alongside the car park and flowing under the bridge is a stream which, yesterday, only showed a trickle of water:




Much of the local surface water seems to flow in to this stream:


Once I had dropped off the stuff at the charity shop we went walkabout. Over the years there have been some nice alterations to this area of Alford. At one time the space in front of some of the shops was for car parking but now it is a wide paved area with a rather posh bus shelter and a space where one of the coffee shops puts out tables and chairs so we can enjoy refreshments and nice weather at the same time:


Nearby are some unusual looking trees which give me the impression that something else has been grafted on a Silver Birch trunk - or maybe it's the result of intensive pruning in the past:

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A nearby street sign caught my eyes,


not an area I had explored before so we ambled round to have a look see. No sign of a windmill. Well, I didn't really expect to find one as many of these road names date back hundreds of years. There is no doubt there would have been a windmill there at some time in the past. There is a working windmill on the outskirts of the town. Among all the new red brick buildings I did find this old house:


I wonder what shape my property will be in if it survives over 170 years, which I very much doubt:


After a look round and plenty of fuss for Penny at the charity shop we came home.

Video of our route through Alford:

Once home I checked up on Shirley:


... and Smelly which is relegated to the greenhouse:

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... and the £10 hanging baskets I bought from Louth Garden Centre a couple of weeks ago:

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... which are part of my 'clock' area display this year. Should look nice in another month or so when all the plants are in flower:


Then it was time for elevenses and a well deserved rest, madam was especially quite and slept through until 2pm when she suddenly remembered it was walkies time.

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

To the Vets and a Look Round Alford

Yesterday morning it was an early visit to the vets for Penny.  Her gums are still giving trouble so we came away with another dose of antibiotics. Penny doesn't care what the reason is for a trip out. She would happily jump in any car or van which has an open door. She is the perfect passenger sprawling out on the back seat and usually dozing throughout the journey.

After lunch I decided on another trip. This time to Alford to drop off some items at the Greyhound Rescue shop:


There she got plenty of fuss, a bite to eat and spent her pocket money on a new cuddly toy. I decided we would have a bit of a walk round and bought some dog food and dried mealworms for the Hedgehog from one of the market stalls, it being market day in Alford:


After dropping the shopping back in the car we then went for a walkabout to look at the old manor house, an old two storey building with a thatched roof. It houses a museum which I have looked round in the past:



Walking round the side of the Manor House I spotted the original chimney work was leaning though this has been altered a couple of times to straighten it up as can be seen by the different size and shape of bricks:

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Further round is an outdoor display of old farm implements, mainly ploughs from the days when they had a horse in front and a man behind to keep things on a straight path:





Also spotted was this old millstone, possibly from the windmill which still stands on the outskirts of the town and is kept in working order:


On the way back to the car park we detoured past the parish church which is built on land which is higher than all the surrounding town:



The tower has been used from time to time for abseiling, usually to raise money. I was almost tempted one year but with my vertigo I don't think I would have been able to step out over the top. I took these photos many years ago:

Abseiling 2      Abseiling

After a last look round we went back to the car and Penny sprawled out and dozed all the way home where she was re-united with her new cuddly toy:


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