I have been watching two fascinating series of programmes on the free Blaze channel on Freesat.
One (Ancient Aliens) is a series about various theories that early civilizations were visited and helped by visitors from another world. Not a theory I readily subscribe to but there have always been questions at the back of my mind about some ancient building works undertaken, some thousands of years ago. From Stonehenge to the Egyptian and South American pyramids somehow ancient civilizations were able to move hundreds of tremendous blocks of stone weighing anything from 0.5 to 15 tons (or is that tonnes). Not just transporting them several miles but then lifting some high up on various structures. There are massive and sometimes strange ancient stone structures and buildings in many countries around the World. Intriguing that so much large building work was undertaken by so many different civilizations in the past when populations were smaller than now, available tools primitive by modern standards and much time and 'manpower' must have been needed just providing everyday necessities such as food for the general population.
The other series (Hangar 1: The UFO Files) is examining thousands of files which record sighting of UFOs and several reports of crashed UFOs which have been kept secret. 'Witnesses' reporting that they have been pressurised to keep silent. There are far more of these than I ever realised.
One episode told of a craft which crashed in Texas in 1897. It was reported in the local paper including noting that a body found with the craft was 'not of this world'. The body was buried locally and a tombstone erected. When investigators applied for permission to exhume the body it was refused on the grounds it was on consecrated ground. If interested there is some more information here.
Recently I read a report that an astronomical observatory in New Mexico has been closed down suddenly and taken over by the FBI with no explanation being given and refusals to answer any questions. Report is here.
The more governments try to keep the lid on certain activities the more people will assume there is something untoward going on they don't want us to know about.
I have experienced one phenomenon which was very startling at the time. About 25 years ago I was driving home one dark, wet, stormy night after a 'meet the parents' evening at school. While driving along a narrow country road I saw a bright orange glowing ball which was hovering maybe 20 feet above the ground. It hovered for a while in a field next to a group of trees and then shot straight upwards, still glowing. Unfortunately I was approaching some sharp bends round a wooded area so didn't see what finally happened to it. I've always put it down as being a ball of glowing plasma. Something which apparently can occur sometimes during electrical storms. There have been reports and the occasional video of such things moving horizontally or rapidly changing direction.
From Wikipedia:
Ball lightning is an unexplained and potentially dangerous atmospheric electrical phenomenon. The term refers to reports of luminous, spherical objects that vary from pea-sized to several meters in diameter. Full text is here.