Showing posts with label Birdfy Bamboo feeder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Birdfy Bamboo feeder. Show all posts

Wednesday, 6 March 2024

Hungry Blackcap

The female Blackcap returned this morning. Obviously very hungry and more confident using the Birdfy feeder.

I wonder whether a male will also turn up one day.

Tuesday, 5 March 2024

Female Blackcap?

The feeder is working well in its new location. Most birds only land for a few seconds as they are probably still wary of a new feeder. This morning I was pleased to spot what I believe was a female Blackcap. They have visited the garden a few times in past years.

The video is slowed to half speed. If anyone can confirm an identification that would help a lot. The second bird, a Blue Tit, has become a regular visitor already.

Monday, 4 March 2024

Hedgehog Awakes

I was more than a tad surprised when I made my usual daily check for any activity in the Hedgehog house. On one of the coldest nights recently there was one investigating the house.


Yesterday I finally made my mind up to move the Birdfy Bamboo feeder to the back garden.


In its original position there were only three visitors - Male and female Blackbirds and a Robin. That confirmed my decision to move it to a position where a greater variety of birds are used to feeding.


The first to make use of the feeder in its new location was - the Blackbird.

Thursday, 29 February 2024

The First Visitor

The camera feeder is in rather an out of the way position but it took less than two hours for the first brave visitor to inspect it. What was it? Just think which common garden bird is always close by when there is anything happening when you are gardening. The Robin.

It was very cautious at first but as the only visitor so far it now has its own private source of food. I am seriously thinking about moving the feeder to near the bottom of the garden. There is plenty of bird activity there plus lots of trees and bushes as safe places for them.



A Blackbird has finally found the feeder. Things are looking up.
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