I emptied and relined the baskets then filled them with new compost ready, I hope, for a Winter and Spring display. Round the perimeter are trailing Winter flowering Pansies. Taking up the centre portion are bulbs; Hyacinth, Dwarf Iris (all those are blue) and Puschkinia libanotica (Russian Snowdrops) which have white petals with a blue stripe. I've not grown those before so we will see how they get on.
As for the garden wildlife. A couple of days ago I spotted a young frog on the path

This one was a bit larger than others seen recently so may be a two year old.
While I was troweling compost from the bag to a hanging basket what should decide to leap in to have a close look at what was going on? A common Froghopper (Philaenus spumarius)

Weird looking creatures.
Finally a butterfly landed in the garden.
A Small Tortoiseshell

A bit of a rare event here this Summer.