Showing posts with label Juvenile Robin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Juvenile Robin. Show all posts

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Young Robin

I was fascinated watching a young Robin as it spent a while investigating the feeding area of the garden. It looks to me as though it hadn't long fledged. To begin with it just watched the other small birds deciding what it should do next:




It didn't take long to work out what the peanut feeder was for ...


... before dropping to the ground to see what might have been scattered by other birds:



It then investigated some of the planters before moving on.

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Soon be All Grown Up

Many of the young birds are moulting and changing their fledgling plumage for their adult colours:

Juvenile Robin IMG_1577

Juvenile Starling IMG_1584

Sunday, 29 June 2014

Inquisitive Youngster

Came in to make a cuppa and noticed this juvenile Robin having a good look round inside the entrance of my shed:




Photos transferred to the iPad and produced using the app Pix Shape.

Friday, 27 June 2014

Friday at the Flicks - Juvenile Robins

These clips were recorded near the beginning of this month when a couple of juvenile Robins were making regular visits to the bird table:

Friday, 9 May 2014

Kermit's Cousin and a new Bird Table Camera

Having a last look round the back garden last night I spotted a common frog just waiting to have its portrait taken:



Yesterday the new camera arrived for the Bird Table. It is definitely an improvement in quality. The only problem is it is not quite as wide angle as the old one. Looks as though the Round Tuit now has a new entry - build a taller Bird Table to get the camera a bit further away from the birds and angle it to give a part side view.

The video is in two parts
1st  Old Camera - A juvenile Robin stood on the seeds but hoping to be fed.
2nd  New Camera - visiting male Chaffinch:

The camera is not waterproof so I hope the table roof is as it is purposefully precipitating at the moment.

Great Tit Nest Box:  There has been no adult roosting with the babies for three nights. I'm not sure what is going on.  We have lost two of the babies. Maybe a shortfall of food or too much competition from the strongest or possibly got too cold over night. Only six active beaks now when an adult arrives with food. So far the survivors are looking healthy. Not all the hatchlings survived last year.

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Fledgling Bank Holiday

Bank Holiday Monday morning was glorious with wall to wall Sunshine so Penny took advantage of a bit of sunbathing as well as keeping an eye on the bird feeders:


I was able to watch the baby Great Tits in their nest plus I was delighted when a few fledglings appeared in the garden. The first to be seen was a young Robin:


I can find my own food .....

..... but it's a lot easier if I just yell at mum and dad to feed me:

Where have those kids gone now....

Also visiting was a demanding Blackbird fledgling:


I'm trying for the record for the most seeds in one beak:

Finally a bit of video of the fledglings:

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Wings for Wednesday

It was a pleasure to see an adult Greenfinch at the seed feeder:

Adult Greenfinch

Not only that but here are two of the four juveniles which had tagged along:

Juvenile Greenfinches

I do tend to get a bit apprehensive when Greenfinches visit these days as the past three Summers they have brought finch disease to my garden. Let's hope we stay clear this year.

Another juvenile was spotted this week and I hope that this time it really was a juvenile Robin:

Juvenile Robin 2

Juvenile Robin 1

Finally - a bit blurry - a return visit by the Great Spotted Woodpecker:

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