The four legged boss woke me soon after 5 a.m. this morning. As I blearily opened the back door for her we could both tell it was chucking it down with rain. She poked a nose out, nearly changed her mind but finally decided, yes, it was urgent. Race down the garden like a bat out of Hell. Disappear under the remaining trees for a while. Then back again like a run-away express train. Pause in the kitchen for a quick rub down. Back to bed. Unlike the two legged one who decided it wasn't worth going back to bed as it was less than an hour to his usual getting up time.
For once we had a decent amount of rain. Just over an inch in three hours. It certainly freshened up the general atmosphere and got rid of the stifling heat of the past days for which we were both grateful.
On our mid afternoon walk down the lane I finally found a butterfly, and one which rested for a while. Apart from 'cabbage whites' I have seen very few flutters this Summer and this was the first one to land and rest since last Spring.
A Speckled Wood:
Over the past ten days or so I have kept my eyes peeled when we walk between the tall hedges at the end of the lane. A favourite place this time of year to spot dragonflies. I have seen a few but so far none have landed. All have been too busy zooming about chasing food.
We are fortunate in not having much of a litter problem in this part of the village. Usually a discarded drinks bottle or can, an occasional crisp packet, so this was a more unusual find:
I'm a Red Leicester or Wensleydale fan myself.