It felt like the start of the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness this morning. Woke up to be greeted by thick fog. On our early morning walkabout visibility was a lot less than 200 yards.
After the Sun had finally broken through I could see what initially looked like small grey patches all over the lawn. There were dozens of them. On closer inspection I could see they were spiders' webs covered in water droplets, each not more than 2 inches (5cm) across. Time to grab the 50D with 70-200mm zoom plus Raynox close up lens for a few hand held macro shots:
Once the heat of the Sun had dried them out all became invisible once again so the chances of my foot steps destroying several of these tiny spider homes became a real possibility.
I keep forgetting to mention that we still have at least one regular Hedgehog visitor. Penny always makes it her first priority every night to have a look round for spiky visitors. She is now used to their presence and just has several investigations but doesn't try to harm them.