Showing posts with label Venus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Venus. Show all posts

Friday, 3 April 2020

Shining Brightly

Thought I would have a go and see what the 70D with 500mm lens could pick out last night while the sky was relatively clear of clouds. Venus was shining really brightly soon after Sunset but I had a job to make out even a couple of stars with the naked eye. Fortunately the camera was more sensitive.

Slightly cropped view of Venus with the Pleiades constellation (Seven Sisters) nearby


A slightly longer shot showed many more stars which I had no chance viewing with the naked eye


It may be better to click on the photos to see larger versions on my Flickr account.

Wednesday, 5 December 2018

Sunrise, Moon and Venus

Yesterday morning dawned cold and frosty with a fairly clear sky.
Ideal to see Venus which was shining as bright as the Moon.
Both appearing close together in the morning sky.

Moon and Venus DSCN9245

Venus is the tiny white dot near the top, right of centre.
To the naked eye it looked really bright.

With the temperature at 0C and an icy lane it was time to use my shoes which have ice spikes fitted for the first time this back end.

Frosty Bin

2018-12-04-10.49.25 ZS PMax2

Wheelie bin lid covered in frost.
Canon 50D + macro lens. 11 stacked photos

Sunday, 17 June 2018

A Drop or Two of Rain

It's a good thing yesterday's short sharp shower

only lasted a few minutes as it was falling at the rate of nearly two inches an hour.

In the evening the crescent Moon was visible between the dark clouds:

Moon 16 June 2018 IMG_5040

At the same time visible to the naked eye but more difficult to photograph was Venus:

Moon and Venus IMG_5041

You may have to click on the picture to see a larger version.
Venus is the small white dot half way down on the right hand side.
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