Showing posts with label mosquito. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mosquito. Show all posts

Saturday, 27 July 2024

Wasp? No!

Whilst emptying some bits in one of the wheelie bins I noticed what, at first glance, I thought was a tiny wasp. It wasn't moving so I assumed it had recently died and collected it to put under my LCD Microscope. Read about that here
The wasp like insect was quite small at about 10mm long.


Oh-ho ... what is that extra part jutting out near the lower eye?


Let's turn the insect over and take a closer look ....


That looks to me like the type of proboscis used to puncture skin and have a free drink of my blood. Pretty sure that what I have here is a mosquito though so far I haven't been able to identify which species it is. Any ideas??
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