Monday, 31 January 2022

Monday Mystery

Last week's close view


was part of


Ellen D. and Dave were correct with the general idea that it was a mower. Congratulations to Wilma who was spot on identifying it as a robot mower. This one has been trundling round my 'lawn' for 4 hours each day throughout the Summer. It is one of the less complicated ones and therefore relatively cheap. No phone app needed. No GPS. No programming apart from choosing the length of time it needs to run. A wire has to be laid round the perimeter of its work area. It is random in its choice of direction to move and changes each time it reaches the perimeter wire. The wire is held down by dozens of plastic pegs and after a few weeks is invisible to the eye as it sinks in the surface of the ground.

For this week here is a close view


of what? If you would like to make a guess please leave it in the comments. They will be revealed, along with the answer, next Monday. As always, my thanks to all who have go.

Monday, 24 January 2022

Monday Mystery

Last Monday's mystery photo was a top view




I'm not sure what sort of chopper Ellen D was thinking of, maybe a pastry cutter, but Adrian was the only one to correctly identify the cheese grater. Well done. My thanks to all who had a go.

From a top view last week to a bottom view of something this week


If you would like to make a guess as to what it is please leave it in the comments. They will be revealed, along with the answer, next Monday.

Monday, 17 January 2022

Monday Mystery

Last week's teaser photo was


A bottom view of


a saucepan though it could just as easily have been a frying pan. Well done to Adrian, Kev Scott, Ellen D, Dave, Ragged Robin and Wilma. Thank you all for having a go. I wonder how many will manage to identify this one:


Please leave any guesses in the comments. They will be revealed, along with the answer, next Monday.

Sunday, 16 January 2022

1135 Km/h Pressure Wave

The enormous explosion from the under sea volcano near Tonga caused not only a tsunami across the Pacific but also a pressure wave in the atmosphere which sped right round the Earth. The speed of the pressure wave was estimated to be about 1135 Km/h by Sandy Macdonald in a post on Twitter. Many weather watchers, amateur and professional, noticed the sudden drop in pressure as the effect passed over their locality - mine included:

Screenshot 2022-01-15_22-44-55-941

a steadily dropping air pressure all day with a sudden change at 7.14 p.m. local time. The same person predicted that a second wave would be detected about 2 a.m. local time resulting from the pressure wave travelling in the opposite direction. (Think about the way ripples travel in a pond when a pebble in dropped in the water.) From this morning's pressure readings here it certainly looks as though he was correct:

Screenshot 2022-01-16_09-06-09-987

There definitely appears to be a sudden drop at 1.49 a.m. local time. It looks a deeper drop but the scales are different on the two graphs.

Monday, 10 January 2022

Monday Mystery

Last week's cose up


was correctly identified as


being part of a pair of gloves with non-slip / grip enhancing plastic dots. (Called Keep Safe Pick and Go PVC Dotted Glove.) Lightweight, comfortable and useful for getting a better grip on hand tools and for holding on to shiny objects. Well done to Adrian and Ragged Robin and my thanks to all who 'had a go'.

I wonder what you will make of this week's mystery close up?


As always, pease leve any guesses in the comments. They will be revealed, along with the answer, next Monday.

Thursday, 6 January 2022

Close Encounter of the Bird Kind

On checking for any recordings from the nest box camera I see that this little enquirer made a very quick four second visit.

Screenshot 2022-01-06_13-36-46-093

Screenshot 2022-01-06_13-45-28-942

Those are screen shots from the very short piece of video. Am I correct in thinking this was a Wren?

Monday, 3 January 2022

Monday Mystery

How time flies! It must be a year since I last had some mystery objects for you to try to identify. Hopefully I can keep finding things to keep it going for this year. Let's start the new year with this close shot of .....


..... what? As in previous years please leave any guesses in the comments. I will reveal them and the answer next Monday.
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