Friday, 8 October 2010

Friday at the Flicks - Great Tit and a Glut of Goldfinches

The peanut feeder seems to have become a favourite of the Great Tit.

Since I moved the Nyjer seed feeders to the bottom of the garden even more Goldfinches have been feeding from them. They arrive as a flock of up to thirty up to three times a day.By the number of juveniles thay have had a really good breeding season.

Have a great weekend observing the wildlife around you.


  1. I've never seen so many Goldfinches together. Looks as if you have cornered the market.
    By the way It is the National ploughing championships at Grange de Lings this weekend. Looks as if it could be well worth a visit.

  2. The Great Tit was gobbling the peanuts so fast it almost looked like the video had been speeded up :)

    I too have large numbers of Goldfinches in my garden, I do think they are the most delightful little birds and almost too exotic looking for this country!

    I have just remembered what I asked you in the comment which never got through last Friday, do you still see the Tree Sparrows in your garden?

  3. Great videos. Did you use a Canon camera to capture them? My Honey and I are also Canon fans.

  4. Hello Adrian. I had a lot last year but the finch disease started to affect them so I am surprised they seem to have recovered their numbers so quickly - unless they have been spreading the word about free nosh.

    I'll have a think about the ploughing - it will need to be warmer and brighter than today.

  5. Hi Jan. It does look speeded up but it was normal speed. They don't waste time when eating.

    The goldies are arguing less now they are at the end of the garden, maybe because there are hardly any other birds near their feeders.

    Yes the Dunnocks were in the garden.

  6. Hello Lois, Thank you for visiting and your kind comment. Those videos were shot with an Hitachi DVDcam. My Canon gear only takes still photos.

  7. Hi again John :) I think you misunderstood my question. I meant are you still seeing the Tree Sparrows which you told us about and showed photos of some while back.

  8. Sorry Jan - no I keep looking out to see whether they have returned. They left in late spring so maybe when the temperature drops more or when their natural food supply starts to run out they will come back. If they bred as well as the House Sparrows there should be plenty of them.

  9. John, the forecast is good. If you see the truck pop by for a tea, coffee or something stronger. Steam ploughing, horse ploughing, and state of the art GPS ploughing. Got to be worth a look.

  10. The peanuts are certainly getting a work over ~ and what a gathering of goldfinches! They are such pretty birds. Your Birdy Bistro is still very popular I see!

  11. Cloudy today Adrian but the forecast seem to be sunnier for Sunday.

  12. Yes Glo. The Goldfinches do bring a splash of colour to the garden. They seem to be thriving well - not surprising the amount of seed they get through ;)


Thank you for visiting. Hope you enjoyed the pictures. Any comment, or correction to any information or identification I get wrong, is most welcome. John

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