Friday, 28 December 2012

Friday at the Flicks - Blackcap

Visits from our feathered friends have been quite scarce for a few days. Partly down to the milder weather but partly down to a Sparrowhawk making what looks like daily visits. Yesterday started quietly, literally, as I did not hear a bird all morning but by mid-day some brave and hungry birds began to make lightning visits to the feeders. Most would grab a bite to eat and immediately fly to the nearest bush.

I was watching one small bird eating the apple and initially though a sparrow had taken a liking to it. It wasn't until it flew away that I saw it was a female Blackcap. I set up the cameras in case she came back. Fortunately she did, spending a little while at the suet ball feeder:

In all I saw her three times and hope she will be back again when the lighting is better for still photographs as Blackcaps are rare visitors to my garden.

Have a great weekend observing the wildlife around you.


  1. A very acceptable Christmas present. She is a real gem.

    1. It is nice to see something different once in a while Adrian.

  2. What a great visitor John.
    I get them occasionally at this time of the year.

    1. Back again today Keith so hopefully will stay near for a while longer.

  3. she is pretty! i do like her cap. :)

    1. At least it is easy to spot the difference TWG. Male black cap, female brown cap.

  4. What a pretty bird :) I hope the Sparrowhawk has moved on!

  5. Such delightful little birds which I am usually lucky enough to see in the garden in the Winter months. Well captured John.


Thank you for visiting. Hope you enjoyed the pictures. Any comment, or correction to any information or identification I get wrong, is most welcome. John

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