Saturday, 27 April 2013

Testing Live Streaming

Four eggs so far in the nestbox. They are not being incubated yet so the Great Tit leaves the nest for long periods.

 Great Tit Nestbox with four eggs

Finally found out how to get Camstreams to work through my router. It can take up to 15 seconds for the stream to start. Works for me in Opera, IE and Firefox! Also works on some Macs and with Chrome. Windows Media Player or VLC plugin needed.

As it uses Windows Media Player it looks like the video cannot be seen on an iPad using the available browsers - certainly not on those I tried today - Camstreams are developing a free app for iPhone / iPad. Hopefully this will be available in the not too distant future and will let you know when it is available.

I am very grateful to Camstreams for providing this free service advert free.
Clicking on their link at the bottom of the streaming video window takes you to their site where you can find a few more animal related streams amongst other things.

The test was running for about 12 hours and all seemed OK so I have put the streaming window at the top of the blog so it is always available though I do not guarantee that it will always be live. Sometimes, with my poor bandwith on uploads, I have to pause or stop it to allow other uploads of video files or photos. It will only run when my PC is on during the day (approximately 7am to 10pm British Summer Time).


  1. John, it works in Chrome. I had to download and a WMP file and drop it into Chrome extensions.
    It seems to run in real time and not just give a frame every 30".
    Brilliant. You could put it in your sidebar.

    1. Adrian: Thanks for letting me know. Yes it is full live streaming. It runs about 10 seconds behind time so I guess that takes care of any small glitches or dropped frames. I have yet to modify the code for it to go in the side bar. It was bad enough working out how to implement port forwarding to get past the security in the router.

  2. Well done John, this is fantastic. Our Great Tit family is a couple of days behind yours but it should be very interesting to compare the activity between the two.

    1. Joe: Just had a peek at your lovely clear video - great stuff. Hope all goes according to plan.


Thank you for visiting. Hope you enjoyed the pictures. Any comment, or correction to any information or identification I get wrong, is most welcome. John

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